Program Maker description


Welcome to ProgramMakerTM. This guide will familiarize you with ProgramMaker and provide the information you need to develop RAPID programs for the ABB S4 robot controller.

ProgramMaker, an ABB DeskWareTM application, is a development environment for creating, editing, and debugging RAPID programs for the S4 robot controller.ProgramMaker is unique compared to other offline programming systems as it embeds the functionality of the Virtual Controller (the S4 controller running on your PC) and uses this capability to perform all robot controller-specific tasks. You can,for example, configure the Virtual Controller so that it represents the same I/O setup as your real robot. Then, when you program I/O statements, ProgramMaker checks to ensure that you refer only to those signals that are defined on your real robot. The Virtual Controller can also be configured with various memory and software options just like an actual S4 controller.ProgramMaker can assume the functionality of different versions of the Virtual Controller – for example, V2.1, V3.0, or V3.1 and behave according to the features specific to that version of controller. This means you will see that same status and error messages in ProgramMaker as you see on the real robot.

ProgramMaker implements an advanced WindowsTM user interface that permits you to develop RAPID programs quickly, easily, and without error. Unlike using a conventional text editor, ProgramMaker helps you write RAPID programs by creating instructions with a single command, providing default parameters in many cases automatically. For beginning programmers, ProgramMaker provides instruction-sensitive dialogs that make programming even complex statements easy.For experts, ProgramMaker also offers the more conventional approach of text-based entry of RAPID program statements. In either method, programming using ProgramMaker guarantees that your programs will be correct when you load them into your robot.


ProgramMaker has an on-line help system that contains most of the information contained in this User’s Guide, and in addition implements indexing and search features. Help is available through the Help menu on the main menu bar. Use the online help system to learn more about the components of the ProgramMaker window.It contains detailed information about visual components such as the Toolbar,

Menus, and Statusbar.

Before you proceed, you should be familiar with the basic structure of robot programs written in the RAPID language. Refer to the RAPID Programming


The ProgramMaker window is composed of various screen elements that are common to almost any Windows application. The diagram below points out these screen elements.

You use ProgramMaker by selecting various commands from the Menubar and Toolbar. When you select a command from a menu, the Statusbar’s Status Pane changes to show a more detailed description of the selected command, as shown in the following diagram.

The various menu items appear disabled at certain times, depending on what you are doing. In the picture above, for example, the Save command is disabled since no program is selected. When a menu item appears disabled, it means that the associated command is not currently available.

Note that some menu entries, such as New, are followed by text which shows their associated keyboard accelerators (in this case Ctrl+N). Keyboard accelerators provide a convenient means of accessing common menu commands directly from the keyboard without using the mouse. This means you can invoke the New command by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and N keys together.

Each button on the Toolbar has an associated menu command; the commands assigned to the Toolbar buttons correspond to the most frequently used commands;thereby making them easier to access and use. As with selecting items from the Menubar, when you place the mouse cursor over a Toolbar button, the Statusbar’s Status Pane shows a detailed description of the corresponding command. In addition, when you pause the cursor over a Toolbar button for more than one second, a small pop-up window appears with a brief description of the command.

Also as with menu entries, Toolbar buttons appear grayed at times to indicate that the associated command is not currently available.


You can customize the appearance of the ProgramMaker screen. The main screen elements of ProgramMaker – the Menubar, the Program Tree, and the Instruction Picklist – are dockable, that is, they can be moved about and made to attach, or dock,onto other boundaries of the ProgramMaker frame. Alternately, you can allow them to float anywhere on your computer screen. The picture that follows shows the Toolbar docked to the right-hand side of the ProgramMaker frame, while the Picklist and Program Tree float. Floating windows can even be placed entirely outside the boundaries of the ProgramMaker window.

You manipulate the position of these elements by clicking on them just inside their borders with the mouse and dragging them to a new location with the mouse button held down. Dragging them into the middle of the Client Area causes them to float,while dragging them near the ProgramMaker window boundary causes them to dock. You can also resize the elements by clicking on one of their corners with the mouse, and dragging the mouse with the button held down. Another layout with risized elements is shown below:

Screen layouts are persistent. When you exit ProgramMaker, the position of the various screen elements is stored so that when you next run ProgramMaker, the screen layout will be recalled.


You can hide the Picklist, Program Tree, Toolbar, and Statusbar. The menu commands to display and hide the docking windows exists in the View menu; for example you can hide the Picklist by un-checking the Picklist command. To cause the Picklist to reappear, re-select the Picklist command.If the Picklist window is floating, you can, alternately, hide it by clicking the Close button on the Picklist titlebar.

Before you proceed, you should be familiar with the basic structure of robot programs written in the RAPID language. Refer to the RAPID Programming

Language Reference Manual (supplied with this product) for further information.In particular, you should be familiar with the fact that the robot controller operates by executing one or more programs loaded in memory, and that each program consists of one or more modules, and that furthermore, each module consists of one or more routines and data.Typically, modern programs of any type consist of a number of instructions written in the form of statements that are specific to a particular programming language.

There are many different programming languages in existence; all were developed to fulfill some specific purpose, such as portability, extensibility, flexibility, or suitability to task. RAPID is one such language that was developed by ABB which is particularly suited to robot program development, but borrowing many concepts typical to modern programming languages, including modularity, power, and extensibility.Historically, the tools and environments used to program have been fairly similar,with few exceptions, regardless of the programming language used. Even today, the powerful general purpose languages (such as C++, the language used to develop ProgramMaker), come packaged with development tools that force nearly the same approach to program development as has been typical for at least the past two decades. The usual tools are a text editor and a compiler.

Typically, a development environment forces the programmer to view the program from beginning to end as a huge list of program statements. ProgramMaker, for example, tips the scale at around 100,000 lines of code. This may seem large until you consider the S4 itself which weighs in at about 1.5 million lines. Large programs can be difficult to manage merely due to the sheer bulk of code they contain. Some organization can be realized simply by grouping related routines into separate files; in languages like C++, further organization is had by taking advantage of abstractions such as objects, wherein related functions are brought together into structures called classes. The concept of modules within RAPID was conceived to accomplish similar ends. Even so, the development project can still be daunting. Browsing through pages and pages of unfamiliar code, trying to understand its underlying organizational structure, can be extremely challenging, even to professional programmers. Most of the time, the only tool available to the programmer to view the program is a filebased application called a text editor. Windows Notepad is more or less typical of the breed. You use the editor to make a modification, save the change, and then pass your program into a compiler for syntax analysis and esoteric comment. Compilers typically tell you something like this: "Error E1016 line 50, Illegal use of num". You then return your file to Notepad and make a change you hope will fix the error.

Then you save it and pass it through the Compiler again. You repeat the process again and again until all errors are addressed. Within the last few years, we have seen the emergence of a new generation of programming tools aimed at "lowering the bar" to make programming easier. These tools, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, present many elements of programming graphically, aimed at turning the programming task into one of simply dragging graphical elements that represent program components onto a program "canvas",where the entire program is assembled. But, as any Visual Basic programmer can attest, there is still plenty of "glue" in the form of Visual Basic language statements,that serve to hold these components onto the canvas. Nevertheless, because of the graphical nature of the environment, it is still much easier to see what the "glue" does.

RAPID, because of its nature, is easily able to join the ranks already occupied by its notable relatives, such as C, C++, and Pascal as one of those languages where you can easily miss sight of the forest because of all the trees. Sure, you could write all your RAPID programs with a text editor, but do you really want to? Face it, robot programs are no child’s play, and when your robot rams its gripper into your expensive fixture, you don’t want to be lost in the deep woods of RAPID code. When you have features available to you like global data, local routines, error traps,and backward execution handlers, do you really want to try to wade through your program with a simple text editor?

With ProgramMaker, the goal has been provide an environment that presents RAPID programs in such a manner that you can see the forest, not just the trees. We have taken an alternate approach in ProgramMaker so that you can easily see your program’s structure – what modules comprise it, what routines comprise what module. ProgramMaker presents this information graphically in a form that is easily understood. Similarly, when you want to change the characteristics of a particular module or routine, ProgramMaker presents the information as a form you fill in. ProgramMaker attempts to cloak the underlying RAPID code in places we felt was most beneficial. Data declarations, for example, can be edited in spreadsheet format, because when you modify data, you usually do it in groups. ProgramMaker also lets you graphically examine data that represents the robot motion target locations, so that you can get a feel for where all those points are in space.

You can, however, bypass the various aides provided by ProgramMaker and directly edit the raw RAPID code if that is what you prefer. When ProgramMaker does present RAPID code, it is in a format that is easily accessible and modifiable.ProgramMaker also provides extensive guidance so that the RAPID instructions you create and edit are correct. ProgramMaker is unique compared to other programming environments as it uses the Virtual Controller – the embedded functionality of the S4 robot controller – as the engine that actually carries out the editing task. The implementation is that of a  client-server architecture; ProgramMaker is the client while the Virtual Controller is the server.

Using this approach, ProgramMaker can assume the functionality of different versions of the Virtual Controller – for example, V3.0V2.1, V3.0 or V3.1 – and behave according to the features specific to that version of controller. For example, if the Virtual Controller represents the same I/O setup as your real robot, ProgramMaker ensures that you refer only to those signals when you program I/O statements. This also means you will see that same status and error messages in ProgramMaker as you see on the real robot.ProgramMaker loads the programs and modules you edit into the Virtual Controller along with whatever system modules for which the system is configured. This allows you to edit and check the programs you create in the same context as when you load the program into the real robot.


Note: You will not be able to program ArcWare statements using ProgramMaker unless you select or create a configuration that includes the ArcWare option. Similarly, you must select or create a configuration containing the SpotWare option if you intend to program SpotWare instructions.

You setup ProgramMaker (and other DeskWare applications) to assume the configuration of a specific robot controller using the Preferences utility.

 Note: The currently selected robot appears in the lower right corner of the status bar in


The Program Tree,shown on the left, presents a hierarchical, diagrammatic view of the structure of all programs currently loaded in the robot controller. The Program Tree is similar in function to the directory tree window of the Microsoft Windows Explorer . The Instruction Picklist, on the right, will be discussed in the following chapters. One or more tabs appear at the top of the Program Tree window. Each tab represents either a foreground or background RAPID program that is currently loaded in the controller. You always have one foreground program, and zero through nine background programs. The names of the programs appear on the tabs; the foreground program is always called "MAIN". In this example, the background program names are "DA_PROC1" and "SW_SUP".

Note: The contents of the robot’s system configuration file SYS.CFG contains the instructions that specify how many background programs are loaded when the controller is booted. The appearance of your copy of ProgramMaker will differ depending on which configuration you have selected and loaded.

When ProgramMaker starts, the Program Tree always displays the foreground program’s tree view. You can view the hierarchy of the background programs by clicking the tab containing the background program name. This brings the selected tab to the front and displays the background program hierarchy.

Initially, the Program Tree displays the hierarchy of the structure of the system modules that are automatically loaded when ProgramMaker starts and the Virtual Controller is booted. Later, when you open program or module files, the content of those files are added to the tree. Opening additional programs and modules is described in Chapter 3.

Note: The contents of the robot’s system configuration file SYS.CFG also specifies which system modules (SWUSRC in this example) are loaded automatically when the controller is booted. System modules remain resident even when all other modules are deleted or new programs are loaded.Depending on the configuration you have selected (for example, SpotWare), you may see additional system modules in the list. System modules do not get saved to program files like user modules. For further details, see the S4

The root node of the Program Tree is a robot controller icon that represents the robot for which ProgramMaker is configured. Recall that configurations are selected from the DeskWare Preferences Dialog (see the DeskWare User’s Guide for details). The name of the robot (in this case IRB_2400) appears to the right of the icon Branching from the robot controller icon are the System Module and User Module nodes. A list of all system modules loaded in the controller descends from the System Module node, while user modules descend from the User Modules node. The module name appears to the right of each module node.Note that different icons are used to distinguish between user and system modules;furthermore, visual cues are used to indicate the status of the module. The following icons are used:

Finally, the list of all routines contained in a module are displayed below each module. The various routines – functions, procedures, and traps – each display a different icon. The name of the routine appears to the right of each routine. In the diagram above, you can see that USER contains a single routine called CallByVar while BASE contains four routines called RESTORE_IO,SYS_POWERON,SYS_RESET, and TestDI. Furthermore, the three different types of routines (procedures, function, and traps) are displayed with different icons; you can see the icons for procedures and functions above.You collapse and expand each branch of the tree by clicking on the "+" and "-" icons to the left of each node. Initially, all branches are shown expanded.

The primary means of accessing and editing programs in ProgramMaker occurs by manipulating the RAPID instructions that comprise the program. You edit RAPID instructions, or code, by first opening a view onto the code contained in a module or routine, as described here. You can learn more about editing RAPID instructions in Chapters 3 and 4.


To view the RAPID code contained in a module, do one of the following:

Select a module in the Program Tree with the mouse and select the Code command from the View menu.

1. Select a module in the Program Tree with the mouse by single-clicking on it.

Next, display the context-sensitive popup menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the View Code command from the popup menu. This menu only appears when you press the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is within the borders of the Program Tree window. The resulting context-sensitive menu contains only those commands that relate to the selections made within the Program Tree.

2. Double-click on the module in the Program Tree you wish to view

Performing one of these actions on BASE module in the MAIN program opens the view shown in the following display, with the selection cursor placed on the module name:

The module view displays the contents of the entire module, beginning with the module declaration statement and ending with the ENDMODULE statement. The view displays all data and routine declarations contained within the module.


To view the contents of a routine in a module, you can scroll the view down to the routine either by dragging the Scrollbar, by pressing the Page Down key on the keyboard, or by selecting the routine from the Program Tree the same way you select a module. For example, double-clicking the TestDI routine causes the code view to automatically scroll the TestDI routine into the window, with the selection cursor placed on the routine name as shown below:

Note that the RESTORE_IO routine is also visible at the top of the view. The selection automatically is placed on the module or routine that you selected.


In addition to the main RAPID code display, the code view contains a Titlebar, a Statusbar, a Toolbar, and both horizontal and vertical Scrollbars. The Scrollbars, however, are only displayed if the RAPID code contained in the module extends beyond the boundaries of the window.

The Titlebar

Chapter 2: Main Concepts

The Titlebar contains the program and module name of the module being viewed.

The Statusbar

The Statusbar consists of several panes; the left-most pane contains the name of the module being viewed; the second pane contains the row and column number of the beginning of the item that is selected in the view; the third through fifth panes indicate if the current module contains the READONLY, VIEWONLY, and NOSTEPIN attributes. In this example, the BASE module contains the NOSTEPIN and VIEWONLY attributes (which can be seen in the first line of RAPID code that declares the module. The attribute panes are blank if the module does not contain the associated attribute; thus the third pane, which indicates the READONLY attribute,is blank.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar contains a single button that corresponds to the Edit/As Text command found in the Edit menu.


If you now choose to view the code in another module while a code view is currently open,

1) The view switches to that of the other module, or 2) A new, separate view of the other module appears.

This depends on whether or not you have selected the Create New View option; see Appendix A for details on various ProgramMaker options. You can open as many module windows as you like. The illustration below shows what happens when both the BASE andUSER modules are viewed:

Arranging Multiple Windows

ProgramMaker implements standard Windows techniques for minimizing,maximizing, cascading, or tiling multiple windows. Use the functions found in the Window menu to arrange the routine windows as you prefer.An alternate means of accessing and editing data declarations in ProgramMaker is through use of the data spreadsheet view.The spreadsheet view of the data window displays the RAPID statements that comprise the data declarations of the module or routine as a spreadsheet.


To view a module’s data declarations in spreadsheet format, do one of the following:

1. Select a module in the Program Tree with the mouse and select the Data command from the View menu.

Chapter 2: Main Concepts

2. Select a module in the Program Tree with the mouse by single-clicking on it.

Next, display the context-sensitive popup menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the View Data command from the popup menu. This menu only appears when you press the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is within the borders of the Program Tree window. The resulting context-sensitive menu contains only those commands that relate to the selections made within the Program Tree.


To view a routine’s data declarations in spreadsheet format, do one of the following:

1. Select a routine in the Program Tree with the mouse and select the Data command from the View menu.

2. Select a routine in the Program Tree with the mouse by single-clicking on it.

Next, display the context-sensitive popup menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the View Data command from the popup menu. This menu only appears when you press the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is within the borders of the Program Tree window. The resulting context-sensitive menu contains only those commands that relate to the selections made within the Program Tree.


The data window is composed of a spreadsheet and controls. The spreadsheet displays the data items in the module or routine. The data item name is in the column at the far left of the spreadsheet. The column header for each column displays the name and the hierarchical structure of the data component. The components that make up the data item are displayed in the spreadsheet columns. The data can be modified directly in the spreadsheet as described in Chapter 5.In addition to the main spreadsheet display, the data view contains a Titlebar, a Toolbar, and both horizontal and vertical Scrollbars. The Scrollbars are displayed when the data window is too small to display all the data.

The Titlebar

The Titlebar indicates the module or module and routine for which data is displayed.

The type of data currently being displayed is indicated directly above the spreadsheet. When you change the type of data being displayed, the header reflects that change.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar contains multiple buttons; their use is described in Chapter 5.


If you now choose to view the data declarations in another module while a spreadsheet is currently viewing a module,1) The view switches to that of the other module, or 2) A new, separate view of the other module appears.This depends on whether or not you have selected the Create New View option.

You can open as many data windows as you like. The illustration below shows what happens when both the BASE and USER modules are viewed:

An alternate means of accessing and editing robtarget data declarations in ProgramMaker is through use of the Graphic data view.The view of the graph window displays a 3-D representation the RAPID statements that comprise the robtarget data declarations within a module or routine. It can also display the path from certain move instructions.


To view a module’s robtarget data declarations in graphical form, do one of the following:

1. Select a module in the Program Tree with the mouse and select the Graph command from the View menu.

2. Select a module in the Program Tree with the mouse by single-clicking on it.

Next, display the context-sensitive popup menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the View Graph command from the popup menu. This menu only appears when you press the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is within the borders of the Program Tree window. The resulting context-sensitive menu contains only those commands that relate to the selections made within the Program Tree.


To view a routine’s robtarget data declarations in graphical form, do one of the following:

1. Select a routine in the Program Tree with the mouse and select the Graph command from the View menu.

2. Select a routine in the Program Tree with the mouse by single-clicking on it.

Next, display the context-sensitive popup menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the View Graph command from the popup menu. This menu only appears when you press the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is within the borders of the Program Tree window. The resulting context-sensitive menu contains only those commands that relate to the selections made within the Program Tree.The following diagram shows the path determined by the MoveJ and MoveL statements in the routine main.


The Graph window is composed of a 3-D graphic display and controls. The robtarget data can be modified directly in the display as described in Chapter 6.In addition to the main 3-D display, the graph view contains a Titlebar, a Toolbar,and a Statusbar.

The Titlebar

The Titlebar indicates the module or module and routine for which data is displayed

The Toolbar

The Toolbar contains multiple buttons; their use is described in Chapter 6.

The Statusbar

The Statusbar contains four information panes. The first pane contains the name of the robtarget data variable currently selected, while the remaining three panes display the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the location represented by the robtarget variable. Further information is available in Chapter 6.


If you now choose to view data in another module while a graph window is currently viewing a module,

1) The view switches to that of the other module, or 2) A new, separate view of the other module appears.

This depends on whether or not you have selected the Create New View option; see Appendix A for details on various ProgramMaker options. Sometimes it is useful to examine the various RAPID symbols (variables, routines, modules, etc.) present inside a RAPID program. The Symbol View allows you to do this, presenting some or all of the RAPID symbols within any of the foreground or background tasks.


To view Symbol information, do one of the following:

1. Select the Symbol command from the View menu, or press the Symbol button on the Toolbar.

2. Select the robot controller icon in the Program Tree with the mouse by singleclicking on it. Next, display the context-sensitive popup menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the View Symbol command from the popup menu. This menu only appears when you press the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is within the borders of the Program Tree window. The resulting context-sensitive menu contains only those commands that relate to the selections made within the Program Tree.


The Symbol window is composed of a list display and controls. In addition to the main list , the Symbol view contains a Titlebar, a Toolbar, and a Statusbar.

The Titlebar

The Titlebar indicates the task name for which symbol information is displayed.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar contains two buttons and a drop-down list box for filtering the symbols that appear in the view ; their use is described in Chapter 7.

The Statusbar

The Statusbar contains two information panes. The first pane contains the total number of symbols in the task, while the other pane displays the actual number of ProgramMaker User’s Guide symbols shown with the current filter settings. Further information is available in

Chapter 7.


After switching the ProgramTree to display the contents of a background task, you can view the symbols in that task by creating a symbol view using the directions above.

Basic Operations

This chapter discusses some of the fundamental activities you typically carry out after you start ProgramMaker. This includes opening and loading files containing additional modules or programs, saving modules and programs to files, and other basic operations.


RAPID programs consist of one or more modules. A module can be either of two types: Program or System. ProgramMaker treats modules in the same fashion as the robot: System modules are not saved when you save a program; only the contents of the program modules are saved. System modules are not deleted from the system when you close a program; only program modules are cleared.As described in Chapter 2, when ProgramMaker starts and the Virtual Controller boots, certain system modules are automatically loaded, depending on how the system is configured.

Note: The contents of the robot’s system configuration file SYS.CFG specifies which system modules are loaded automatically when the controller is booted.

When you create a new program, ProgramMaker replaces any existing program modules with a newly created program module. To create a new program, press the New Toolbar button or select the File/New command.

Note: Regarding terminology, when you see a phrase like File/New, it refers to the New command within the File menu.

The following dialog appears containing a default name for the main module:

From within this dialog, you specify the name of the new program module that will be created. You can specify any name that is legal in the context of RAPID. When you press OK, the dialog disappears and ProgramMaker’s screen changes to that shown below:

Note that the Program Tree now indicates the presence of the program module module1 in the tree. The inserted program module is initially empty; that is, it contains neither data nor routines. Inserting a new routine into a module is covered in the section Creating New Routines later in this chapter.If you issue the File/New command when a program or program module alreadyexists, you will be prompted to save the current program. All previously loaded program modules are cleared when the new program is created. To load the contents of an existing program or module file, select File/Open, and the standard Windows file dialog appears:

You use the various controls within this dialog to select the drive and directory from which you want to load the file. The program files within the Rapid subdirectory associated with the currently configured robot is presented by default. You can also select the Type of file you want to open; the valid types are program (.PRG), system module (.SYS), and program module (.MOD). You can select multiple system and user modules by using the control and shift keys according to the Windows guidelines.

Note: Even though the Open dialog allows you to select multiple program files (.prg), ProgramMaker will not allow you to open these files since the S4 can only have one program file in memory.

When you open a program file and program modules are already loaded, all currently loaded program modules are cleared; that is, the newly opened program replaces everything. You are always prompted to save your work whenever you try to load a program from an existing file.

Note: The default directory presented in the examples may differ slightly from what you observe on your system; it is dependent upon the directory you chose when you ran DeskWare Setup at installation time.


When you use ProgramMaker to create RAPID programs, you can always be assured of having a program that is syntactically valid. Syntax errors are generally characterized by mistakes in spelling of keywords, omission of necessary semicolons, parentheses, commas, and the like. If you use a common text editor (such as Windows Notepad) to create or edit a RAPID program, you cannot be assured that the program you create is syntactically valid.You cannot load programs that contain syntax errors either into the robot or into ProgramMaker. Unlike the robot, however, ProgramMaker provides you with a list of the errors that it encounters while trying to load the file. The errors are reported in a dialog like the one below:

Note: The error messages shown in this User’s Guide were generated with ProgramMaker configured for an V3.0 controller. The error messages generated earlier versions of the controller for the same type of error may differ significantly in content.

Additionally, a text edit dialog is presented to allow you to correct the syntax errors.

In this case, the FOR statement at line 1 is incomplete; while trying to load this statement, a missing ENDFOR was immediately detected. After making the corrections and saving the file, you can try to load the file into ProgramMaker.

Chapter 3: Basic Operations

You can insert a module into an existing program. The module is simply added to the list of other modules that are already loaded. To insert an additional module, select either the System Modules node or the Program Modules node in the Program Tree and do one of the following:

1. Press the Insert key on your keyboard

2. Select the Edit/Insert command from the main menu

3. Select the Insert New Module command from the context-sensitive popup menu

The following dialog appears:

After you have set the desired attributes for the module, press OK to save the new module. If you press Cancel, a new module will not be created. A module can be either of two types: Program or System. System modules are not saved when you save a program; only the contents are the Program modules are saved. System modules are not deleted from the system when you close a program; only Program modules are cleared.Program modules are always added beneath the Program Modules node in the Program Tree, while system modules are always added beneath the System Modules node.The Read Only attribute, if checked, prevents subsequent modifications to the module or any of its contents. If this attribute is present, you cannot add or delete any routines or data to the module. The No step-in attribute, if present, prevents the module from being single-stepped into when the module is loaded and executed on a real robot controller. The View only attribute, if present, prevents any subsequent modifications to the module or its contents. If present, you cannot even make the modification to deselect it! For this reason, this ability to check this attribute is disabled; it is only provided as a means of examining the module to see if the attribute is present.

Note: The only way to eliminate a View only attribute is to use a text editor to modify the module declaration.


You can view and edit the attributes of a loaded module; to do so, select the module in the Program Tree and choose Edit/Properties from the Menu Bar or Properties from the context sensitive popup menu. In either case, the following dialog appears:

This is the same dialog that appears as when you tell the system to create a new module; only the caption in the titlebar changes. The dialog provides the same access to modify the attributes of the selected module. If you select OK, the attribute changes will be saved. If you select Cancel, the module will retain its original attributes.


When you delete a module, it is permanently removed from the system. You cannot retrieve the module after it is deleted. To avoid unwanted deletions, you can choose to have ProgramMaker prompt you for confirmation whenever you try to delete a module. To do this, set ProgramMaker’s options to Confirm on Delete.

Note: You cannot delete a module if the Read only or View only attributes are present.

To delete a module, first select the module you want to delete in the Program Tree.Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Delete from the Menu Bar.

2. Press Delete at the keyboard

3. Select Delete Module from the context-sensitive popup menu

Saving a program causes the contents of all loaded program modules to be saved into a single program file. System modules are not saved along with the program modules.Saving a module causes the contents of the single selected module to be saved to a module file.You save a program by selecting the program module in the Program Tree, followed by invoking the File/Save As or File/Save commands.If you choose File/Save, ProgramMaker saves the program to a file using the name of the program currently loaded. If no name is available, then ProgramMaker uses the name of the selected program module, but with the .prg file extension.If you choose File/Save As, you see the following standard Windows File Save dialog:

The system provides a default filename that is the name of the program currently loaded. If no name is available, then the system proposes the name of the selected program module. If you instead want only to save the selected module rather than the entire program, change the file type from Programs (*.prg) to Modules (*.mod) in the Save file as type: control of the dialog. When you select File/Close, all currently loaded program modules are unloaded. System modules, however, remain loaded. If you close before saving the program, ProgramMaker prompts you to save your work. Programs are closed automatically when you exit ProgramMaker.

RAPID modules consists of zero or more data declarations and zero or more routine declarations. You create and work with routines in much the same manner as you create and work with modules.


To insert a routine into a module, select a module in the Program Tree and do one of the following:

1. Press the Insert key on your keyboard

2. Select the Edit/Insert command

3. Select the Insert New Routine from the context sensitive popup menu.

Any of these actions causes the New Routine Declaration dialog to appear:

The New Routine Declaration dialog is a tabbed dialog. The General tab allows you to set the name and type of a routine. The Parameters tab allows you to set the routine parameters. You can use the Advanced tab to set other routine attributes. Refer to the next section, Viewing Routine Attributes, to learn about setting the attributes for a routine.

Note: You cannot create or edit a routine if the Read only or View only attributes are present in the module in which you are trying to add the routine.


To view the attributes of an existing routine, select the routine from the Program Tree and choose the Edit/Properties command from the Menu Bar or Properties command in the context sensitive popup menu. In either case, the Edit Routine Declaration dialog appears with the General tab selected:A tabbed dialog is a dialog box with buttons along the top of the window that are similar in appearance to file folder tabs. Related groups of data are placed on individual pages. There may be many pages in a tabbed dialog. You click the tabs to switch back and forth between pages. Routine Properties – General Page

The first page displays general routine attributes: the routine name, routine type, and return type (if applicable; procedures and traps have no return type). The routine name is placed in a standard Windows edit control; you edit the routine name simply by typing in a new name. You edit the routine type by selecting available types from a combo box: Procedure, Function, or Trap.The return type applies only to functions and is the data type the function will return.This edit control is hidden for procedures and traps. You enter a data type into the edit field using the dropdown list box which displays a list of all valid data types available for assigning to the function.

Routine Properties – Parameters Page

You display the Parameters page by selecting the Parameters tab. The Parameters page displays the parameters associated with the routine in a list box, as shown below:

The headers in the list box show the meaning of the information displayed in each column. The information shown is the parameter name and data type, whether the parameter is Req(uired) or Alt(ernate), and the parameter transfer mode: In (Transfer), InOut, Var(iable), or Pers(istent).

Creating Routine Parameters

You create a routine parameter by selecting the New button at the bottom of the dialog. This activates the New Parameter dialog as shown below:

The many options available for parameter declarations are logically grouped together. The Parameter Data Type specifies the nature of the value being transferred in the call argument. The Presence of a routine parameter may be Required or Optional; if required, the parameter must be supplied when the routine is called. If a parameter is optional, it can be one of several Alternative parameters; if Add Tail is checked, it is the last alternative. If a parameter is required, the Alternate and Add Tail attributes are disabled.The Access Mode affects the usability of the value within the routine; for example, the value can only be read and not written if it has the In attribute. A parameter is a scalar unless the Array Dimensions attribute is checked; if an array, the parameter may assume a degree of dimensionality between 1 and 3. The dimensions group is disabled unless the Array Dimensions attribute is checked.

Editing Routine Parameters

You edit a routine parameter by first double-clicking on the parameter in the list box or by selecting the parameter and clicking the Edit button at the bottom of the dialog box. This activates a dialog similar to that shown below:

The parameter name is placed in a standard Windows edit control; you edit the parameter name by typing in a new name. You choose the data type by selecting the desired type using the dropdown list box. To create a switch parameter, you select switch from the dropdown list box.

Routine Properties – Advanced Page

You display the Advanced page by selecting the Advanced tab. This page displays other attributes associated with the routine, as shown below:

The Routine Scope attribute specifies whether the routine is visible only to other routines within the same module (Local) or to all other routines in the system (Global). Global routines share the same namespace as other global objects, such as modules or data; you must be careful when naming global routines so that you don’t use the same name as another global object.Certain routine types can contain additional instruction sections: A Procedure can contain both an Error Handler and a Backward Handler, while a Function can contain only an Error Handler, so when you are editing a Function declaration, the Backward Handler attribute is disabled.


The Cut Buffer

The Cut Buffer is a mechanism that is used to temporarily store or make a copy of a routine. When you want to move a routine from one module to another, you select the routine to move, cut the routine to the Cut Buffer, and paste the routine into the destination module from the Cut Buffer.

Cutting to the Cut Buffer

When you cut a routine it is placed in the Cut Buffer. To cut a routine, first select the routine in the Program Tree. Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Cut.

2. Simultaneously press the Ctrl and X keys on your keyboard.

3. Select Cut from the context-sensitive popup menu.

Copying to the Cut Buffer

Copying a routine to the Cut Buffer places a copy of the routine in the buffer without removing the routine from the module. To copy a routine, first select the routine you want to copy. Then do one of the following: 1. Select Edit/Copy 2. Enter Ctrl-C at the keyboard 3. Select Copy from the context-sensitive popup menu Pasting from the Cut Buffer Pasting a routine from the Cut Buffer inserts the routine in the module you select. To paste a routine, first select the module you want to receive the routine you want to paste. Then do one of the following: 1. Select Edit/Paste

2. Enter Ctrl-V at the keyboard

3. Select Paste Routine from the context-sensitive popup menu.

Chapter 3: Basic Operations


When you copy a routine into a module that already contains a routine with that name, ProgramMaker automatically displays an ":x" next to the routine name where the x is a number. For example, if the routine name is alpha, the copied routine name is displayed as alpha:2.


When you delete a routine, it is permanently removed from the module. You cannot retrieve a routine after it is deleted. To avoid unwanted deletions, you can choose to have ProgramMaker prompt you for confirmation whenever you try to delete a routine. To do this, activate Confirm on Delete in the ProgramMaker Options. To delete a routine, first select the routine you want to delete. Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Delete

2. Press Delete at the keyboard

3. Select Delete from the context-sensitive popup menu

Chapter 4

Program Editing

Viewing and editing the RAPID instructions that comprise modules and routines is presented in this chapter. Viewing and editing routine and module data declarations in spreadsheet format and graphical format is covered in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.As discussed in the previous chapter, to view and edit RAPID instructions, you View the routine or module selected in the Program Tree. A window is created displaying the instructions for the module or routine, as shown:


You can select the font face and point size of the text that is displayed within the window. ProgramMaker can also display syntax-sensitive colorization of the ProgramMaker User’s Guide

displayed RAPID code. This is called Chromacoding. Chromacoding allows you to display RAPID keywords in one color, while displaying strings and other language elements in other colors. See Appendix A for detailed instructions on setting these and other ProgramMaker options.


ProgramMaker does not treat the RAPID instructions as simple lines of text. ProgramMaker is a instruction-oriented editor, meaning that it deals instead with RAPID statements or statement components. This being so, it guarantees that all statements you create are syntactically correct. You cannot mistakenly enter misspelled RAPID keywords, nor can you enter a statement that, for example, omits commas, semi-colons, or other required language elements.Because ProgramMaker prevents syntax errors, a RAPID program you create with ProgramMaker will always load when you transfer it to your robot. Generally, you create and edit statements using the Instruction Picklist and dialogs described in the sections to follow. The Instruction Picklist allows you to create the most common instructions with a single click of a button. However, it is also possible to enter statements via the keyboard with conventional text-based input.

Note: If ProgramMaker is configured for an M94A or V2.0 robot, you are limited to entering no more than 200 characters at a time using text-based input. No limit exists when configured for a V2.1 or later robot.


When you place the mouse cursor on a statement or statement component and press the left mouse button, that part of the statement is selected, depending on the exact position of the cursor. A selected item is shown in reverse-highlight.You can also move the selection left, right, up, or down using the arrow keys. You can also use the Tab key in place of the right arrow, and the SHIFT-Tab combination in place of the left arrow Note that the Status Bar’s Row/Column Pane shows the beginning position of the selection in row, column format. At least one statement or statement component is always selected. When you first open a routine window, the routine name is automatically selected and highlighted as shown in the following diagram.

Because of the statement-oriented approach, the entire item that is under the cursor when the mouse button is pressed is selected. You cannot, therefore, select a single character "E" from the ENDFOR clause of an FOR...ENDFOR statement (for example). When you place the cursor on the "E" and click the left mouse button, you will select the entire ENDFOR statement, as shown below, and the system will "know" internally that you have focused on the ENDFOR part of a FOR...ENDFOR statement.

The part of the statement that gets selected depends on where the cursor is placed. If, for example, you place the cursor on the FOR clause instead, the entire FOR...ENDFOR statement gets selected. Generally, whenever you place the cursor on a statement delimiter (white space, the terminating semi-colon, or keywords), the entire statement is selected. You can also select an entire statement by clicking the mouse outside the text boundaries; that is, on the blank space to the right or to the left of the statement. Placing the cursor on a statement component (argument, expression, etc.) generally selects only that component.

Multi-line selections

When you select a compound statement such as FOR...ENDFOR, the selection cursor automatically extends across multiple lines of RAPID instructions to encompass the entire statement. You can also extend the selection to span multiple lines for non-compound statements. One way of doing this is to hold the left mouse button down while moving the mouse. The selection begins on the line where the mouse is located when the button is pressed, and continues to the line where the mouse is located when the button is released.

Chapter 4: Program Editing

You can also extend the selection by holding down the SHIFT key on the keyboard while selecting with the mouse. The selection begins on the line that held the selection before the SHIFT key was pressed, and ends on the line where the mouse is located when subsequent selections are made with the SHIFT key held. Cancelling a multi-line selection You can cancel a multi-line selection by pressing the ESCAPE key. The selection then changes to the statement beginning at the first line of the previous multi-line selection.

There are basically two ways of creating and editing RAPID statements. Generally, you use the Instruction Picklist and dialogs described in the sections to follow. The Instruction Picklist allows you to create the most common instructions with a single click of a button. With this method, as with the teach pendant on the robot, you build up routines by inserting instructions that you pick from a list. You then complete the statement by filling in the associated parameters.It is also possible to enter statements via the keyboard with conventional text-based input. This second method is best suited for simple statements and is also described below.


When you first start ProgramMaker, you see a display similar to the following:

The Program Tree, shown on the left, presents a hierarchical, diagrammatic view of the structure of all programs currently loaded in the robot controller. The Program Tree is similar in function to the directory tree window of the Microsoft Windows Explorer. For a more complete explanation, refer back to Chapter 2. The Program Tree in the picture above shows a program module called module1 which contains a procedure called routine1. This module and routine were created using the commands described in the previous chapter.The Instruction Picklist, which appears on the right, contains all of the instructions that you can use in writing a RAPID program. Like the Program Tree, the Picklist is a dockable window, which means you can move it around on ProgramMaker’s screen and place it wherever you wish, or you can tear it off and leave it float. For more information, refer back to Chapter 1.

The Instruction Picklist, when first initialized, looks like that shown below left:

The buttons at the top of the Instruction are used to select the groups of instructions that appear in the list below. The contents of the list changes as you press the various buttons. The name, or classification, of the instruction group appears just above the list. The Program Structure instructions, displayed when you press the button at the top left, is shown above on the right.

Note: Not all groups contain member instructions, depending upon how you have configured your robot. For example, you will not have ArcWare instructions in the lists of available instructions unless you have selected a configuration that contains the ArcWare option. Refer to your DeskWare User’s Guide for further information on selecting and creating configurations.

All user-written instructions appear as part of the Common group associated with the button that has a pencil icon on its face. Any procedure, function, or trap routine that you write appears in this list There are four user-definable instruction lists that are associated with the bottom row of buttons shown in the pictures above. See Appendix A for detailed information on creating these lists.


You must have a view containing RAPID code activated before you can use the Instruction Picklist. In the example below, the view is set to the module called module1 as shown in the Program Tree in the picture above. Subsequent example displays do not include the Program Tree in order to make more space available for the view of the RAPID code.

You use the Instruction Picklist to insert a statement by selecting an instruction from the list and pressing the OK button; alternately, you can simply double-click the selected instruction. Inserting a IF...THEN...ELSE statement into the routine window shown above yields the following result:

The entire body of the IF statement is inserted in place of the <SMT> placeholder. If you now insert another instruction, it will be either above or below the current instruction, depending on whether you have the Insert Before or Insert After radio button checked on the Instruction Picklist. Note: You cannot insert data declarations into <SMT> placeholders, nor can you insert executable RAPID statements into <DDN> placeholders. If you want to insert a data declaration (available in the Program Flow instructions), in a routine or module where no <DDN> placeholder exists, select the routine or module before choosing the data declaration from the Picklist. Similarly, if you want to insert an instruction into a routine where no <SMT> placeholder exists, select the routine before choosing the statement from the Picklist. You cannot insert executable statements into a module. The inserted IF statement itself contains several placeholders: two <SMT> and one <EXP>. You can expand a <SMT> placeholder by selecting only the <SMT> placeholder and inserting another instruction. For instance, if you select the first <SMT> PHR and insert a MoveJ instruction, you see the following screen:

Inserting another instruction at this point yields, for example, the following result:

If you want to insert another instruction after the IF statement, you must move the selection to the IF statement itself by clicking over the IF, THEN, or ELSE components. This selects the entire statement; you can also select the entire statement by clicking over the white space between and around the keywords. You can also select just the <EXP> PHR or the ENDIF clause; ProgramMaker "knows" that these are parts of the IF statement. Selecting one of the IF statement’s parts and inserting an instruction results in the following screen:


It is possible to enter instructions through the keyboard as text if you don’t want to use the Instruction Picklist.

Note: If ProgramMaker is configured for an M94A or V2.0 robot, you are limited to entering no more than 200 characters at a time using text-based input. No limit exists when configured for a V2.1 or later robot.

The Text Edit Dialog

To enter an instruction as text, choose Edit/Insert or the context-sensitive popup menu. The following Text Edit dialog appears, with sample text already inserted: 

You can type any number of valid RAPID statements into the edit control; when you press Enter, the text is interpreted, and, if valid, inserted into the routine. The Text Edit dialog can be resized and moved about on your screen; next time you invoke it, the previous size and screen position are recalled.


ProgramMaker will never allow you to enter statements that are not syntactically valid.

If you make a typographical error while inserting a statement as text using the method described above, the system will detect the error as it tries to interpret the text into RAPID instructions. Suppose, for instance, that we forgot both the colon ":" and the semicolon ";" in the second assignment statement above. ProgramMaker responds by presenting an Syntax Error list dialog, shown immediately below, containing the errors that were found.

Note: The first time the Syntax Error list dialog appears on your screen, it may overlap the Text edit dialog. You can change the size of the Syntax Error list dialog and place it anywhere on your screen.The next time the dialog appears on the screen, it remembers where you last left it.

The exact location of the first error is highlighted in the Text edit dialog.

Note: This output was generated with ProgramMaker configured to use an V3.0 version controller.The error statements generated by earlier controller configurations may differ somewhat in contentfrom those generated by V3.0.

To highlight the subsequent error, you press the Next Error button in the Syntax Error list dialog; the appearance of the two dialogs changes as shown below:

You can correct the error by re-typing the statement in the Text edit dialog while the Syntax Error list dialog is on the screen. After you make the corrections, press the OK button in the Text edit dialog. If you corrected all of the errors, both dialogs will close and the text you edited will be entered into the RAPID program.

ProgramMaker provides a number of instruction-specific dialogs to help guide you in making changes to existing RAPID instructions; alternately, you can directly edit RAPID statement components via keyboard input. Both methods are described in the following sections.


As you create instructions using the Instruction Picklist, some statements are automatically populated with default parameters and values. For example, when the MoveJ instruction was inserted in the above example, the four required parameters of the statement (ToPoint, Speed, Zone, and Tool) were given values of a robtarget literal, v1000, z50, and tool0.

The WaitDI instruction, by comparison, was only given a value for its Value parameter; the expression placeholder, <EXP>, for the Signal parameter was left unmodified. The system has many built-in rules that automate the creation of default parameters for various instructions; ProgramMaker utilizes these rules during creation of statement instructions. While sometimes these rules may provide satisfactory default values, you may want to change them; and of course you want to add real values in place of <EXP> placeholders.

After you have entered an instruction, you may also want to change it’s overall structure. For example, you may want to add optional parameters to a MoveJ statement, or you may want to add Elseif clauses to an IF statement.


To edit a statement via a dialog, you select the Properties command either from the main or context-sensitive popup menus. You can also double-click on the statement. Each type of statement incorporates a unique dialog that is specifically designed for editing that statement.

Editing an IF...THEN...ELSE statement

For the IF...THEN...ELSE statement, you get the following dialog:

Within this dialog, you can view and change the structure of the IF statement. The overall structure of an IF statement is presented at the top of the dialog. The check box next to the [Else...] text indicates whether or not the statement has an ELSE clause. The total number of ELSEIF clauses is indicated to the right of the {ELSEIF <elif_exp> THEN...} text; in this case there are none. You remove the ELSE part by unchecking the box next to the [Else...] text; conversely, checking the box adds it back in. You add Elseif clauses by pressing the

Add button, and remove them with the Remove button. If the Add button is pressed

The total number of ELSEIF clauses is reported at the top of the dialog, The list box near the bottom of the dialog shows the expressions for each ELSEIF clause; the ELSEIF expression that is currently selected within the list box for editing is reported next to the edit control, which is where you type the actual expression. The upper edit control is used for typing the expression for the IF test. Examine the following entries for this dialog:

After pressing OK, the IF statement in the routine window is updated as shown below:

If you make an error inputting an expression in a dialog, it is identified as a syntax error and reported to you in the Syntax Error list dialog described in the How Errors in Text Are Handled section above. No changes are made to the expressions until you correct the errors. If you want assistance in creating the expressions that go into the <EXP> placeholders, select the more button(…) to the right of the edit control in the dialog.

This brings up the Expression Editor dialog, as shown below:

For detailed instructions on using the Expression Editor, see Appendix B.

Editing a Procedure Call statement

If you Edit/Modify a procedure call – for example, the MoveJ statement within the

IF statement – the Procedure Call dialog appears as shown:

The name of the instruction ( in this case MoveJ) appears in the title bar of the dialog.The parameters used by the procedure appear in the upper list along with their current values. An ‘x’ preceding a parameter name indicates that the parameter is present; optional parameters, if not present, will not be so marked. The ToPoint parameter is highlighted because, in this example, the dialog was invoked by double-clicking on this parameter. The highlight is always placed on the parameter that is under the mouse cursor when the double-click occurs. If you double-click on the MoveJ, however, the highlight will be moved to the first available present parameter. You use the combobox control at the bottom of the dialog to edit the parameter selected in the list. Just above the combo box, the parameter name (ToPoint) and type (robtarget) are displayed. The (Req) indicates that this is a required parameter; optional parameters are indicated by (Alt). To enter another value, you can for example simply type a value in the edit window, or browse for available robtarget symbols by invoking the Expression Editor described above.

The dropdown list for the ToPoint parameter contains both available data and

functions that are visible from this MoveJ instruction. Note that functions appear

with a trailing "( )". You change the ToPoint value either by typing a new argument

into the edit control or by selecting an item from the list. Selecting Offs() invokes the

following Function dialog:

Default values are inserted for function arguments. You change these arguments by

typing new ones within the edit control or selecting new ones from the drop-down


Pressing OK repeatedly to exit the Function dialog, the Expression Editor, and the

Procedure dialog modifies the MoveJ statement in the routine window as shown



Editing optional parameters

Some procedure call instructions, such as MoveJ, can be supplied with optional parameters. In the MoveJ Procedure Call dialog, all available parameters that can be supplied to the call are displayed in the upper listbox. Optional parameters are indicated with a ‘\’; the absence of an ‘\’ indicates a required parameter. If an optional parameter is present, (that is, currently being supplied to the procedure call), it is marked with an ‘x’ and its current value is also displayed. Required parameters are always present. To add an optional parameter, first select the parameter in the list. As shown below, when the \WObj parameter is selected, the Add button to the right of the listbox becomes enabled.

After you press the Add button, the \WObj parameter is marked as present, and the combobox is enabled and initialized with valid wobjdata symbols. You can then select a value for the \WObj parameter with the Expression Editor. See Appendix B for further details.

Note that some parameters, such as \Conc, are dataless switches. The combobox remains disabled in such a case.Note also that after you add the optional parameter, the Add button becomes disabled, while the Remove button becomes enabled. You use the Remove button to remove optional parameters from the set of currently present parameters. The Add and Remove buttons are always disabled whenever you select one of the required parameters from the listbox, since required parameters must always be present.

A MoveJ instruction contains optional parameters named \V and \T that are mutually exclusive alternates; that is, the presence of one of the excludes the presence of the other. If you want to add the \T parameter, but the \V parameter is already present, the system will not let you add \T until you first remove the \V parameter.

Mutually exclusive parameters are identifiable from the data type descriptor just above the combobox; for example, if you select \V, the indicator contains V : num (Alt 1/2). This means that \V is the first mutually exclusive alternate in a group of two possible alternates. Alternates are always grouped sequentially.


Editing other Instructions

Almost every other RAPID instruction uses one of the many custom dialogs to present the means for guided editing of the instruction’s components. See Appendix B for descriptions of the other instruction dialogs. The exceptions to this are Comments, Labels, and Goto statements. You edit these statements with the text editing method described in the following section.


If you want to quickly modify an instruction or group of instructions directly as text, first selecting the statements you want to edit and choose the Edit/As Text command from either the main or the context-sensitive menus.The following rules apply to editing statements as text:

 · You cannot select and text edit entire modules; you can, however select and edit entire routines.

· You cannot select and text edit multiple routines simultaneously; you must edit them one at a time.

· You cannot select routine data declarations and executable statements together;you must edit these types of statements separately, unless you select the entire routine.

· You cannot select and edit incomplete statements; for example, you cannot select and edit a IF statement if the selection does not span to include the ProgramMaker User’s Guide ENDIF part.

If you try to directly edit these items, an alert box appears telling you that you cannot edit the item, as shown:

Direct keyboard entry is the only method available for editing Comments, Labels, and Goto statements. When you choose Edit/Properties on these statements, the Text Edit dialog appears.


You can use the Search and Replace functions to find occurrences of specific text strings, and to replace that text with different text.


You invoke the Search function from the Edit menu or by simultaneously pressing the Control and F keys (Ctrl+F.) You see the following dialog:

The object that is currently selected is displayed in the Search string combo box. You have the choice of typing in the text string to be searched or selecting one of the symbols provided in the drop-down combo box. See Appendix B for complete details.

Search again

You invoke the Search Again function from the Edit menu or by pressing the F3 function key. Note that the search direction previously defined is retained. 


You invoke the Replace function from the Edit menu or by simultaneously pressing the Control and H keys (Ctrl+H.) You see following dialog: 

The object that is currently selected is displayed in both the Search string and Replacement string combo boxes. You have the choice of typing in the search and replacement strings or selecting one of the symbols provided in the drop-down combo boxes. See Appendix B for complete details.


The Cut Buffer

The Cut Buffer is a mechanism that is used to temporarily store routine statements or statement components. When you want to move or copy a statement from the beginning of the routine to the end, for example, you first cut or copy the statement to the Cut Buffer, move the cursor to the end of the routine, and paste the statement back into the routine from the Cut Buffer.

Cutting a Selected Item

To cut an item, first select the item(s) you want to cut. Then do one of the following: 

1. Select Edit/Cut

2. Enter Ctrl-X at the keyboard

3. Select Cut from the context-sensitive popup menu

Note that certain items, such as procedure call names and required argument placeholders, cannot be cut.You can cut multiple statements at once by first doing a multi-line selection.However, the following rules apply:

· You cannot cut entire modules; you can, however cut entire routines.

· You cannot cut multiple routines simultaneously; you must cut them one at a time.

· You cannot select routine data declarations and executable statements together;you must cut these types of statements separately, unless you select the entire routine.

You cannot cut incomplete statements; for example, you cannot select and cut an IF statement if the selection does not span to include the ENDIF part. 

Copying a Selected Item

Copying a statement or statement component to the Cut Buffer places a copy of the item in the buffer without cutting the item from the routine.To copy an item, first select the item you want to copy. Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Copy

2. Enter Ctrl-C at the keyboard

3. Select Copy from the context-sensitive popup menu

Note that certain items, such as placeholders, cannot be copied.

You can copy multiple statements at once by first doing a multi-line selection.

However, the following rules apply: 

· You cannot copy entire modules; you can, however copy entire routines.

· You cannot copy multiple routines simultaneously; you must copy them one at a time.

· You cannot select routine data declarations and executable statements together; you must copy these types of statements separately, unless you select the entire routine.

Chapter 4: Program Editing

You cannot copy incomplete statements; for example, you cannot select and copy an IF statement if the selection does not span to include the ENDIF part. 

Pasting from the Cut Buffer

Pasting a statement or statement component from the Cut Buffer inserts the item in the buffer back into the routine. When you paste a statement component, the item in the Cut Buffer replaces the currently selected item; when you paste an entire statement, the statement in the Cut Buffer is inserted before or after the currently selected statement. See Appendix A for setting this option. To paste an item, first select an instruction to locate the place where the contents of the Cut Buffer will be inserted. Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Paste

2. Enter Ctrl-V at the keyboard

3. Select Paste from the context-sensitive popup menu

Note that the Paste fails if the item in the Cut Buffer is not compatible with the selected item. For example, you cannot paste a statement into an argument of procedure call. You can only paste an item in the Cut Buffer to a selected item of a similar type.


When you delete an item, it is permanently removed from the routine. You cannot retrieve an item after it is deleted. To avoid unwanted deletions, you can choose to have ProgramMaker prompt you for confirmation whenever you try to delete an item. See Appendix A for setting this option. To delete an item, first select the item you want to delete. Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Delete from the Menu Bar.

2. Press Delete at the keyboard (this is the Edit/Delete accelerator)

3. Select Delete from the context-sensitive popup menu

Note that certain items, such as procedure call names and required argument placeholders, cannot be deleted. You can delete multiple statements at once by first doing a multi-line selection.However, the following rules apply:

· You cannot delete entire modules; you can, however delete entire routines.

· You cannot delete multiple routines simultaneously; you must delete them one at a time.

· You cannot select routine data declarations and executable statements together; you must delete these types of statements separately, unless you select the entire routine.

You cannot delete incomplete statements; for example, you cannot select and delete an IF statement if the selection does not span to include the ENDIF part.

ProgramMaker does not permit you to make syntactical errors in the creation of routine instructions.ProgramMaker can also help you eliminate semantic errors that result, for example, from referring to data or routines that have not been defined or lie outside the scope of the current routine. Semantic errors do not prevent a program from loading,although they may cause initialization or run-time errors.To check your program for errors, select the Check Program command from the Tools menu. If your program is free of errors, you see the following message box:

If, however, your program contains semantic errors, the following dialog appears:

Note: This output was generated with ProgramMaker configured to use an V3.0 version controller. The error statements generated by an earlier controller configuration may differ significantly in content from those generated by V3.0.

The content of the message contained within the dialog will vary greatly depending on the nature of the error. In this case, the system has pointed out that the named parameters to the Offs() function are undefined. The statement at which the error was encountered is highlighted in the code view, as shown below:

Note: You can change the size of the Reference Error list dialog and place it anywhere on your screen. The next time the dialog appears on the screen, it remembers where you last left it.

Once you have fixed the error, you should check your program again. ProgramMaker can only identify and report one semantic error at a time, so you may have to repeat the check several times to eliminate all semantic errors.

When you are viewing the RAPID code within a module, the File/Print command causes the entire module to be printed. To print an entire program, you must first view and then print out each module individually.Note: you must have a printer defined and connected to your system; you do this from within the Windows Control Panel. See your Windows documentation for details.

If you have a printer defined, the standard Windows Print dialog appears:

When you press OK, the contents of the currently displayed module is sent to the printer.

Chapter 5

The Data Spreadsheet


RAPID modules basically consist of two parts: module data declarations and routines. Routines in turn consist of three parts: the routine declaration, the routine data declarations, and the routine body. Viewing and editing module and routine data declarations is presented in this chapter and in Chapter 6: Viewing Data Graphically. Viewing and editing module and routine declarations is discussed in Chapter 3: Basic Operations. Viewing and editing routine instructions was covered in Chapter 4: Program Editing.


To view and/or edit module or routine data, you first select the routine or module whose data you want to view from the Program Tree View. Next, choose View/Data from the Menu Bar or select the data button on the toolbar. A new window is created displaying the data for the module or routine, as shown.


The data window displays the RAPID statements that comprise the data declarations of the module or routine as a spreadsheet. ProgramMaker can also display robtarget data graphically, as described in Chapter 6: Viewing Data Graphically.

The data window caption indicates the module or module and routine for which data is displayed. The window is composed of a spreadsheet and toolbar. The type of data currently being displayed is indicated in the combo box on the toolbar. Selecting a different data type in the combo box fills the spreadsheet with the existing data of the new type found in the current scope. The spreadsheet displays the data items in the module or routine. The data item name is in the column at the far left of the spreadsheet. The column header for each column displays the name and the hierarchical structure of the data component. The components that make up the data item are displayed in the spreadsheet columns. The data can be modified directly in the spreadsheet as described in the Editing Data section.

Horizontal and vertical scroll bars are displayed when the data window is too small to display all the data. You can view data items or components that are not in the display area by using the scroll bars or control keys.

The name that appears in the data name column is the name of the data declaration. If more than one item has the same name an instance number is also associated with the item. In the data window, this instance number is appended to the data name along with a separating colon. Additionally, the data window displays a separate entry for each element in an array. The name column indicates the array index used to access the element. This representation is shown in the following example: 

num1{2,2}; name = num1, 2X2 array


num1{2,1} pertains to the third element in the array

When data does not have an initial value, the structure is still displayed with a note indicating that the data item does not have an initial value as shown in the following illustration:

The illustration shows all of the num data for module MOVE2400. As the illustration indicates, counter1(instance 2), counter2, and ANSWER do not have initial values. The counter3 and counter4 are the only nums that have initial values. Counter 4 has an initial value of 1000 and each element of counter 3 is 0. You can also see from this illustration that the user has selected to show the data properties column as evidenced by the Initial Value header. Counter3 is an array of five elements. The text "Unable to Display" is shown when the DataView is not able to display an expression. This occurs when the expression is not a literal or literal aggregate (contains references to other named data). 

If the Show Data Properties option is active, the data properties will be displayed in the far right columns of the spreadsheet as is shown in the following illustration. If the option is not active, these columns will be hidden. 


The data window controls allow you to specify which data you want displayed in the spreadsheet. For example, you can select the data type you wish to display using the drop-down combo box in the toolbar as shown below:

When you have selected a new data type, the spreadsheet refreshes, displaying all occurrences of the data type in the current module or routine. The data type that is being displayed when the window closes becomes the default type the next time a data window is displayed. That is, if you are displaying zonedata when you close the window, the next data window will open with zonedata being displayed. By default, the data type selection list displays only the data types of items that currently exist in the module or routine. If the Show Most Likely data types data option is selected, the most likely data types will also be displayed in the selection list regardless of whether there are any occurrences of the type. The most likely data types are: bool, num, robtarget, tooldata, and workobj. If the Show All Data Types options is active, all the available types in the system appear in the data type selection list.

The filter buttons CONST, VAR, PERS, GLOBAL and LOCAL allow you to selectively filter storage class and scope of the displayed data items. Each button is a locking push-button. When you press the button it stays down until you push it again. A selected(down) button means that this filter is active. You select the scope of the items you wish to see displayed in the data spreadsheet(GLOBAL,LOCAL).You also select which storage classes you wish to see displayed(CONST,VAR,PERS) in the data window. The data that is displayed in the spreadsheet must match both the selected scope and storage class filters. If a filter is not active, you will not see items of that type in the data window. For instance, if only the local scope button is active, you will see only local data in the data window. You will not see any global data.


The data window spreadsheet allows you to move through the data using the common key and mouse controls following standard Windows guidelines. For instance, to move to a specific cell you can either click on the cell with the left mouse button to move there directly or you can use the tab and arrow keys to move through the spreadsheet. When a cell is selected, the cell border will change to a heavy dark line ( a selection box ). If you start typing or double-click in a cell, you will change the data in that cell. In the following illustration, the y column cell of data item p21 is selected.

To move the selection box, you can use the mouse or a combination of keys from the keyboard. Below is a brief summary of the navigation keys: 

· Arrow keys - the arrow keys will move the selection box in the direction of the arrow. Ctrl-Left Arrow functions the same as the Home key, Ctrl-Right Arrow the same as the End key, Ctrl-Up will move the selection box to the first row in the spreadsheet, and Ctrl-Down will move the selection box to the last row in the spreadsheet.

· Tab/Shift Tab - The tab key functions the same as the right arrow; it moves the selection box one cell to the right. The shift tab key functions the same as the left arrow; it moves the selection box one cell to the left. 

· Page Up/Page Down - scrolls the data up or down one page. Ctrl-Page Up will scroll the data one page left and Ctrl-Page Down will scroll one page right.

· Home/End - Home will scroll the data so the leftmost ( or first ) column is shown in the display. End will scroll the data to the rightmost (or last) column is shown in the display.

· Shift - with the exception of the tab key, if you hold the shift key down while using any of the movement keys or using the mouse, you will select all the cells between the current selection and the last cell selected. The methods for selecting (useful for copying and pasting) multiple cells are similar to other spreadsheets. When a block of cells is selected, the entire block will be surrounded by a heavy dark line and the selected cells will be highlighted. The current cell, or cell where the cursor is, is not highlighted but is surrounded by the dark line. You can select a block of cells using the Shift key with the navigation keys or by selecting a cell with the mouse and then holding the left button down while dragging the cursor to highlight the cells you want. An example of a selected block of data is shown in the following illustration:

In this illustration the x, y and z cells are selected for data items p21 through p26.

The cursor is on the x cell of data item p21.You can select an entire row by clicking on the row header (data item name). This  will highlight the entire row. You can also select an entire column by clicking on the column header. In the following illustration, the user has clicked on the trans y column header:

To create data, the data window must have the focus. If the data window does not have focus, you can get the focus by clicking anywhere on the data window, or using the Ctrl-F6 key to switch between ProgramMaker windows. Once the data window has focus, you can create data by: 

1) Pressing the Insert key on your keyboard.

1) Selecting Edit/Insert from the Menu Bar.

1) Selecting Insert from the context sensitive popup menu displayed by clicking the right mouse button.

The Data Properties Dialog appears, displaying the declaration for the new data item, as shown:

Once you have added a new data declaration, you may edit the component values in the same manner that previously existing data can be modified.EDITING DATA


You can edit the declaration of a data item by:

1. Double-clicking on the row header containing the data item name.

2. Selecting any cell in the row and then choosing the Edit/Properties in the Menu Bar.

3. Selecting any cell in the row and then choosing Properties in the contextsensitive popup menu (that you activate by clicking the right mouse button).The Data Properties Dialog appears, displaying the declaration of the data item, as shown:

Note: You must save the program or module to update the program file. Changes made to data or instructions while running ProgramMaker are only made to the running program and not to the program file itself. To change the program file, you must manually select Save from the File menu.

You can modify the storage class, scope, and initial value directly in the spreadsheet as shown in the following illustration:

To make a change, you simply type the value you want the data declaration to have directly into the edit box.


You can edit data directly in the spreadsheet. You can do this by either doubleclicking on the cell you wish to modify or by moving to the cell and starting to type in the new value. Once you start to edit, the cell border changes to a lighter cell border and a cursor appear in the selected cell. The cell appears as shown in the

following illustration:

Type the value you wish the component to have. Once you leave the cell or press the Enter key, the changes are automatically made to the loaded program. If you do not want to make the changes, press the Esc(ape) key. This will cause the original value to be displayed in the cell. Once you have left the cell, the only way you can get the original value back is to select the cell and manually enter the value.


The DataView window provides two types of copying and pasting data. You can copy and paste whole data declarations or you can copy and paste cell data. Pasting a whole data declaration will insert a new data item(s) into the current module or routine. Pasting cells only modifies the parameter values of existing data items. ProgramMaker uses three different methods of copying data. It uses the S4 cut buffer for copying and pasting entire data declarations. For copying individual cells, it uses the Windows clipboard when copying between data windows and it uses a special spreadsheet clipboard when copying cells inside a single data window. Cutting copies the whole data declaration(s) to the cut buffer in the same manner as a copy, but the data declaration(s) is also deleted from the current module or routine. The paste action depends upon the last copy/cut action. If the last action performed was a cut or a copy of an entire data declaration, the paste command will cause an entire data declaration(s) to be inserted. If a copy was performed on an individual cell or cells, a paste will affect the same range of cells as was used in the copy. 

The Clipboard

The Clipboard is a mechanism that is used to temporarily store routine and module data. When you want to copy components of one data item to another, you first select the block you want to copy, perform the copy, select the destination of the block, and then paste the block of data into the data spreadsheet. 

The Cut Buffer

The Cut Buffer is a mechanism used by the virtual controller to temporarily store routine and module data. It stores the entire data declaration, thus allowing you to copy entire data declarations rather than individual cells.

Note: ProgramMaker does NOT check the contents of the clipboard to determine if the contents can be pasted into the spreadsheet. It only checks the clipboard to verify that it has contents to paste.Care must be taken when copying and pasting using the clipboard.

Copying Data to the Clipboard or Cut Buffer

Copying a cell or block of cells to the clipboard places a copy of the item in the clipboard; the cell or block of data is not removed from the spreadsheet. Copying a whole data record places a copy of the item in the cut buffer. To copy an item, first select the cell(s) or data item(s) cells you want to copy. Then do one of the following: 

1. Select Edit/Copy from the Menu Bar.

2. Enter Ctrl-C at the keyboard (this is the Edit/Copy accelerator)

3. Select Copy from the context-sensitive popup menu

Cutting Data to the Cut Buffer

Cutting a data item to the cut buffer places a copy of the item in the cut buffer; the data item is then removed from the spreadsheet. To cut an item, first select the row header or all the cells of the data item you want to cut. Then do one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Cut from the Menu Bar.

2. Enter Ctrl-X at the keyboard (this is the Edit/Cut accelerator)

3. Select Cut from the context-sensitive popup menu

Pasting Data

Pasting individual cells inserts the data into the selected area of the spreadsheet.Pasting an entire data item inserts a new data declaration into the current module or routine.Once data has been placed in the clipboard or cut buffer, you can paste the data by doing one of the following:

1. Select Edit/Paste from the Menu Bar.

2. Enter Ctrl-V at the keyboard (this is the Edit/Paste accelerator)

3. Select Paste from the context-sensitive popup menu

If individual cells were copied, the clipboard contents are pasted into the spreadsheet depending on the size of the selected range.

· If the selected range consists of a single cell, the entire contents of the clipboard are pasted into the spreadsheet.

· If the selected range is smaller than the contents of the clipboard, only the data that will fit in the selected range is pasted.

· If the selected range is larger than the contents of the clipboard, the clipboard contents are replicated to fill the entire selected range.

Note: The spreadsheet can paste tab-delimited blocks of data from the clipboard.


When you delete a data item, it is permanently removed from the module or routine. You cannot retrieve a data item after it is deleted. To avoid unwanted deletions, you are prompted for confirmation whenever you try to delete an item unless you have disabled the confirmation using the Confirm On Delete option. To delete an item, first select the data item you want to delete. You must select the entire item by clicking on the row header or by selecting every cell in the row.

1. Select Edit/Delete from the Menu Bar.

2. Press Delete at the keyboard (this is the Edit/Delete accelerator).

3. Select Delete from the context-sensitive popup menu.

You can select a block of data items to delete. You are not allowed to delete multiple blocks of data items at the same time. You cannot delete specific cells of a data item. The options available include the data types displayed in the drop down combo box and whether or not the data declaration properties are displayed in the spreadsheet.To print the data of a module or routine to a printer, select the File/Print command from the Menu Bar or Tool Bar. Note: you must have a printer defined and connected to your system; you do this from within the Windows Control Panel. See your Windows documentation for details.If you have a printer defined, the standard Windows Print dialog appears:

Pressing the OK button sends the contents of the currently active data window to the printer.

Chapter 6

The Graphical View

The GraphView is a tool that makes it easier to get an overview of your module or routine and to edit the positions.Viewing and editing positions in modules and routines through three-dimensional (3D) graphics is presented in this chapter. Chapter 5: The Data Spreadsheet presents a spreadsheet method of viewing and editing general module and routine data declarations. Chapter 4:Program Editing presents methods for viewing and editing entire modules.The GraphView displays a three-dimensional (3D) graphical view of the position data and the path. The window title shows the name of the currently selected module or routine.

The GraphView has a resolution of 1 mm. The GraphView can show positions within the range -6000 mm to 6000 mm.


You can display the positions of a module or routine by:

Select the module or routine in the Program Tree. Then choose the View/Graph from the Menu Bar or select the Graph button on the ProgramMaker’s main toolbar. You could, alternatively, select the module or routine in the Tree View by right clicking on it, followed by choosing the View Graph command from the popup menu.


A triad showing the rotation of the graphical view is displayed at all times in the lower left corner of the GraphView.

The X vector is red, Y is green and Z is black 

You can change the view by using the toolbar functions: Zoom, Rotate, Panning and Parallel views.


You can select to view a module or a routine in the GraphView The content of the GraphView when displaying a module are the defined positions within the data declaration section of that module.

The content of the GraphView when displaying a routine are the defined positions within the data declaration section of that routine and all positions used within the routine.

Display Defined Positions

The positions defined in the data declaration section of the selected module or routine are displayed as red diamonds .

The defined positions are drawn according to their initial values. Variable data declarations without initial values are drawn in the left corner of the view.

You can turn on or off displaying of the defined positions by clicking the Defined

Robtargets toolbar button.

Display Instructions with path

The GraphView can display the path and the positions referenced by the RAPID instructions of a selected routine.

The positions referenced by the following instructions are drawn:

MoveL, MoveJ, PaintL, SearchL, TriggL, TriggJ, MoveC, PaintC, SearchC and TriggC.

The resolved positions, named positions with initial values and positions defined directly in the instruction, are drawn as crosses . All other positions referred to in the instructions are drawn as x-crosses in the left corner of the view.The path is drawn from a resolved position at one line of RAPID if the next RAPID line is one of the instructions MoveL, MoveJ, PaintL, SearchL, TriggL and TriggJ.All positions are assumed to be relative to the same work object (coordinate system).You can turn on or off displaying of the instructions by clicking the Instructions toolbar button.

The following diagram shows both the defined data and the path in the routine main (the program tree has been hidden and the view expanded to show both types of display).

The GraphView has the capability of editing your program’s positions. The view provides context-sensitive links from the selected graph element to the Data 

Properties Dialog or the Procedure Call Dialog.


Editing a defined position is done by: double-clicking on a defined position , or by right-clicking at a referenced position or and then selecting Data Properties from the pop-up menu. The Data Properties Dialog appears for you to make your changes.


Editing the instructions of your routine is done by double-clicking on a referenced position or . The Procedure Call Dialog appears for you to make changes.

Use these functions to focus in on a specific part of the robtarget data or to get an overview of the program shown in the GraphView.Zoom out makes the view smaller. Zoom in makes the view larger.


You use the rotate functions in the GraphView toolbar to rotate the program robtarget data shown in the GraphView. (It will also change the view from parallel to perspective.) The triad (X, Y, Z) in the lower left corner of the window shows the current orientation.


You use the pan (shift) function in the GraphView toolbar to move the robtarget data shown in the GraphView up, down, left or right.

Parallel views

These functions in the GraphView toolbar are used to select one of the six ISO parallel views. They change the view from perspective to parallel view.

The currently selected graph element is marked with a circle. A graph element is a single robtarget data. A graph element can be selected by clicking on it or by using the Previous/Next-point buttons in the GraphView toolbar.

The file format of a workpiece image is a plain ASCII text file using tab delimited values for X, Y, Z and a flag telling if the line is visible or not. If the flag is 0 a line is drawn from the previous point to this point. However, a flag value equal to 1 results in an invisible line.The lines must be separated with the ASCII characters representing <carriagereturn> and <newline>.Any line that starts with a number is interpreted as a workpiece point. If any of the other values are not a numeric, the default value 0 is used for that value and the rest of the values on that line.You can add comments to the workpiece files. A comment is any line that does not begin with a number. The file extension for workpiece files are ".WPO".The following GraphView window shows a loaded workpiece.


You can create and edit workpiece files using the WorkPieceMaker utility. You run this utility from ProgramMaker. To do this, select the Tools/Utilities/WorkPieceMaker menu item. See the WorkPieceMaker help file for more information on using this tool.Alternatively, it is possible to use Windows Notepad editor to create or modify workpiece image files, as long as the workpiece image file format is used.It is possible to copy robtarget data from the spreadsheet data into Notepad to make a workpiece from robtarget data